Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Where are We in the Recovery, and What is the Impact on the Global Economy?

with Dr. Peter Linneman

Dr. Linneman, widely recognized as one of the leading strategic thinkers in the real estate industry, will host a FREE web conference for NAI and its clients. Don't miss this opportunity to recieve a macro-economic view of the US and world economies.

CLICK HERE to register.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Work Space Evolution

Open Style Floor Plan - Picture form

"Younger and older generations are thriving in a more open, collaborative environment. A few years ago, this was called a movement, but it is almost a rule now."

In an interesting article written by Sean Murphy that was published in Utah Facilities Magazine the idea of the evolving workspace was discussed. More and more in today's office environment companies are going away from the private office and moving toward open, collaborative work environments. Every companies needs are different but one thing all companies have in common is making sure that they improve the bottom line.

"The beauty of a space with fewer walls is that it is actually better for your bottom line. Less material equals lower cost and higher ROI."

As companies reassess their space needs and the working habits of their employees it is essential to make sure that whatever style of layout is selected it improves productivity and overall well-being of the employees. With that understood some companies are finding more effective layouts that can be created by this collaborative work environment that can decrease furniture costs as well as decrease the total square footage needed, both can spell big savings for the company  and a happier workforce!

CLICK HERE for a full copy of the article.
CLICK HERE to email the Mills Wayman Team to discuss your space needs and how we can help you implement some of these cost savings strategies.